Across media info

Aside from the glitzy media gossip and obvious ‘across different types of media’ news such as Pop and Film lastest trending info theres a surprisingly informative network running.

From all the other social media networks on other pages on this blog, it’s possible to focus on a thread or stream and link into it by following organisations.

The most obvious is the recent London Olympics 2012 where it was possible to follow not just the official olympic twitter and facebook but the individual teams and even the team members.

A whole collection of links on an offline private blog (because they are under copyright to the owner) can make a really cool personal information collection system that includes even flickr groups and photo’s.  Add the local sports groups and facilities and theres a comprehenensive set of information.

Changing topic, it’s possible to collect info on all kinds of private focus blogs with social networks and using netfront life scrapbook or dolphin browser screeen pic you can even choose favourite web snippets. Just dont make the blog available to everyone (change in settings) to avoid copyright, many websites allow information to be downloaded for personal use, try to use personal photo’s.

Across the radio is more difficult, but informative radio info is going out on tweets now.

It’s especially useful for students who could work as a team collecting info.

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